
The procedures in this chapter require changing Vocalocity configuration properties in the vocalos-node.xml file. This file is located in:


When you make changes to this file, you do not have to restart the VocalOS server. This file is refreshed every minute. When you make a change to a setting, it will apply to the next inbound call that arrives one minute after the change.

You will be setting parameters in the RecoManager node. Edit the vocalos-node.xml file and search for the node starting with:

<node name="RecoManager">


<node name="vocalos:type=RecoManager,vendor=Vocalocity">


<entry key="extensionPoint" value="net.vocalocity.dtmfonly.DTMFOnlyExtensionPoint"/>




<node name="vocalos:type=RecoManager,vendor=SpeechWorks">


<entry key="extensionPoint"
